On Farm Story
editor/assistant editor (2018-2019)
Check out this weeks On Farm Story where we head to Waikaretu Valley and visit sheep and beef farmer Kate Broadbent who is committed to improving the odds for New Zealand sheep farmers against natural hazards.
The Langfords were hit by a perfect storm of terrible weather, prolonged market weakness and global trade wars. But a change in perspective has transformed their farm, their family and their community. #OnFarmStory #YOLOFarmer
From teaching children to farming alpacas. One Cantabrian's career path is beyond compare. #OnFarmStory
Media sensation Tangaroa Walker has X-factor in spades and he wants to use it to lift other farmers out of the mire. #OnFarmStory
"Being a muslim and a farmer is the best of both worlds." Reza and his family are not only helping the environment but also opening minds and hearts in the wake of the Christchurch Mosque shootings. #OnFarmStory
Taranaki duck farmers Dawn and Glen Bendall are earning a living out of making people, including themselves, healthier.
On the south side of Banks Peninsula, where the wind gives the tussocks a permanent bend and the next stop is Antarctica, Roger Beattie is mustering his next big plan.
Getting in on the ground floor of a new industry can have its challenges but as hemp growers Jenni and John Ridd told Colin Williscroft, that’s all part of the learning process.